Rewards basics
Well rewards are the bighgest thing in the plugin and they can be really complex. But now lets start with some basics.
How their syntax works?
We are starting just with a number named section (number define the field in the wheel) Then if our wheel is in chance mode, we can specify chance in a double number. After that we have to understand groups in article below.
with groups we can define what we want from the field to do. We can define conditions for more expensive rewards, we can make different rewards for permission based players, or we can create with other plugin something like boost weekends and more. <definer> - name of group (for basic group I suggest to use name global and then related names)
WIth conditions we can create anything we want to. Please make sure you have correct priority (highest group in the list is on top of priority list)
Current condition types:
How ID works?
Id can be anything, but we suggest to go in numeric way from 1 to up.
Id define item design and when you insert multiple icons, they will rotate.
You can use a lot of types for items...
Item Flags
All available flags can be found here
example: DAMAGE_ALL:2
List of all enchants can be found here
Actions mode
this mode define if you want you actions to dispatch all at field win, or just one random action or chance bundle.
available modes:
For normal and random setup go to this article.
For chance setup go here.
Last updated